Boundary Surveys & Deed Plan Services

Boundary Surveys & Deed Plan Services

As part of every property transaction, buyers and sellers need a current and accurate deed plan. This quick guide explains the process to you and tells you what we do and why we do it.

Why do you need a surveyor?

What you think is your boundary might not be. Even though that wall or hedge has been there for many years, it may not be your legal boundary. That is why you need to call in the professionals.
br> Using current information and researching historical documents from our extensive archive, Bermuda Realty’s skilled team of survey professionals will ensure that your survey shows exactly what it needs to. Combining this information with accurate field measurements, we collate all the information, and using our expert judgement calculate the boundary.

What to look for in a deed plan

A deed plan drawing should be a clear representation of the property, clearly showing the boundary and dimensions, as well as any site buildings and associated detail.

For planning and deed purposes the drawing must be stamped by a registered surveyor. All Bermuda Realty survey drawings are produced and checked by experienced, registered professional surveyors. Once the boundary has been calculated, we then return to the property to install and mark key boundary points, visible to all.

Contact Us

Want to know more? Our team of surveyors is ready to answer your queries. With dedicated office support we can answer your query quickly and give you an accurate quote and timescale. Please get in touch for more details.

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11 Par-la-Ville Road Hamilton HM HX